Our Mission to

Inspire a Generation

The first Italian American Who’s Who is here!


Dozens of stories, celebrities and common people in alphabetical order as in a directory. The First Italian American Who’s Who is here: the first collection ever of the Italian American biographies. A loving tribute to the memory of our community, and a legacy for the generations to come. But also an opportunity to find members of the family and friends you have lost track of.

Interested in getting a copy? Email us at franky@frankyinnewyork.com

Franky’s Headquarters:
Franky in New York c/o Basile&Frigenti
163 East 92nd Street, Apt 27, New York City, NY 10128

If you’d like to support us please tap here.
Thank you!

Wanna find the latest about the Italian American community?
Go to http://mailchi.mp/5750b70af7cc/frankyinflorence

A virtual country
of 90 milion

Italians care about the details. Americans know how to dream big, because they can see the big picture. And Italian Americans? The simply mix the best from them both. Franky in New York is a digital project that unites – more than ever – Italians and Italian Americans, in a daily stream of news, stories, exchange of ideas and opportunities to inspire a New Renaissance.
It’s the door to a country with a population of 90 million people. The first Digital Nation ever.



Sow a Thought, reap an action

Human connections are the only things that matter. Italians and Italian Americans have much more in common than a last name or some ancestors. They share one of the most beautiful languages of the world, and memories of a country and a culture that have no equal anywhere else.
Words, beauty, food, friendship. These are the Four Human Elements we work on to put together USA and Italy in a new way, far from the traditional narrative.





Syracuse University has an amazing program of studies abroad in Firenze, and we are proud to be among the hosts who help students develop their projects. Like #florencefaces, the visual project run by Donniae Collins and Alexandra Meier who browse the city in search of beautiful people to portrait and stories to tell.

#face1: Massimo’s Leather Store
#face2: Yan Blusseau from B.east Gallery



Franky Talks


We spread the word about us and our mission during pleasant chats with some dear friends.
Go to the links below and listen to what Franky has to say!


An Italian American conversation with Bob Sorrentino: episode of Italian Roots And Genealogy podcast, available on Bob’s blog at www.italiangenealogy.blog/italian-americans/, on YouTube at https://youtu.be/U3-YJCS4aeI, or via podcast at www.buzzsprout.com/1018771/9542701



Spreading the word about Franky with our friend Frank DiPiero, and his great podcast Keepin’ It Real with Frankie D (listen to the episode at https://italianamericanlife.com/2021/10/12/1344/)


An Italian Sunday Dinner Party with the friends from Italian Roots and Genealogy: to watch the episode go to https://youtu.be/87ECoJmeiGg 




Have you got a story to tell? A passion to celebrate? A tribute to pay? Tell us, and we can make a book out of your ideas!


Do like Charlie Zito (www.limonsole.com), who has been collecting Sicilian proverbs all his life and now has a book of them…